National Right to Garden Act.
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Published March 10th, 2025.
SB 806 dubbed, the Food is Medicine Act, was introduced to the Oklahoma Senate and needs support from your representatives.
Oklahoma Senator Adam Pugh introduced Senate Bill 806 to help cover nutrition services like produce prescription programs, nutrition counseling, meal provisions, and fresh grocery supplies. The program aims to improve health outcomes for Medicaid members through lasting lifestyle changes. The act would reduce their dependence on health care and thus lower healthcare and insurance costs to individuals and taxpayers.
"An Act relating to nutrition services; creating the Food is Medicine Act; providing short title; creating certain financial incentive for contracted entities under the state Medicaid program; directing the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to seek federal approval to expand certain nutrition services; describing Food is Medicine Initiative; authorizing certain covered services; directing the State Department of Education to provide technical assistance related to the Oklahoma Farm to School Program Act; providing for noncodification; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency."
The act would also direct the State Department of Education to provide technical assistance related to the Oklahoma Farm to School Program Act. This act would become effective on July 1, 2025 if approved, so you can start speaking with your Oklahoma representatives to push its progress.
You can contact your Oklahoma State Senators to bring this to their attention. Here is a full list of Oklahoma Senators and their contact information.

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