Stop pesticide producers from gaining liability immunity.
Published March 25th, 2025.
The proposed U.S. House Farm Bill will give immunity to pesticide manufacturers from liability associated with adverse health effects or injuries from their chemicals. The bill will also remove local and state protections on pesticide application.
Tennessee House Bill 809 and Senate Bill 527 would give companies like ChemChina and Bayer immunity from liability lawsuits associated with adverse health effects or damage to crops or property from their chemicals. Since the EPA has been co-opted by the chemical industry for years, they approve pesticide labels without health and crop risk warnings. The bills state, "As introduced, specifies that a manufacturer or seller of a pesticide registered with the commissioner of agriculture and with the environmental protection agency under the federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) is not liable in a civil action related to the labeling of the pesticide, if the pesticide bore a label approved by the EPA under FIFRA at the time of sale."
The House Bill was introduced by Rusty Grills, who received lobbying contributions from Southern Crop Production Association, a pesticide producer advocacy group which is boarded by Syngenta, Amvac, Bayer, and Corteva members. The senate bill was introduced by John D Stevens, who made it quite clear in a public statement that Bayer Monsanto asked him to carry out the bill. Both Grills and Stevens received lobbying from the likes of Tyson Foods and Reynolds American, the cigarette conglomerate. Stevens also received money from Eastman Chemical and Pfizer.
Tennessee House Bill 809 passed the House Ag and Natural Resources Committee last week and will be voted on by the House Judiciary Committee tomorrow, Wednesday March 26th. Senate Bill 527 just passed the senate Judiciary Committee and was referred to the senate Calendar Committee.
Tennessee joins a long list of states that have introduced liability immunity acts for pesticide manufacturers. The agro-chemical companies Bayer, BASF, ChemChina, Corteva, Drexel, Vanguard, and Chemours have lobbied millions to both state and federal representatives in these states. It is important to contact the Tennessee House and Senate Representatives to speak out against House Bill 809 and Senate Bill 527.
Tennessee House Standing Committee Judiciary Contacts.
- Andrew Farmer (Chair) (615) 741-4419
- Elaine Davis (Vice Chair) (615) 741-2287
- Rick Eldridge (615) 741-6877
- Fred Atchley (615) 741-5981
- Mary Littleton (615) 741-7477
- Lowell Russell (615) 741-3736
- Tom Stinnett (615) 741-3560
Tennessee Senate Calendar Committee Contacts.
- Becky Duncan Massey (615) 741-1648
- Mark Norris (615) 741-1967
- Lee Harris (615) 741-1767
It is extremely important that you contact the Tennessee Representatives to let them know that:
1). You do not support liability immunity for pesticide manufacturers.
2). You support state and local government passing regulation on pesticide application, especially near schools.
3). You support protections for farm workers and school children, NOT for chemical companies.
4). People affected by exposure to pesticides should be able to sue, and pesticide companies should be held accountable.
5). Product safety is the responsibility of pesticide manufacturers and not the EPA.
At least 21 states are reportedly introducing legislation to provide similar liability immunity for pesticide producers. You can contact your respective state house and senate representatives.
- Georgia SB 144 Passed through committee.
- Montana HB 522 Second reading March 4, at 1 PM MST.
- Wyoming HB 285 (Defeated)
- Missouri HB 544/SB 14 March 5 Committee Vote.
- Idaho HB303 Committee hearing March 4 at 1:30 PM MST.
- Iowa SSB 1051
- Florida HB 129
- North Dakota HB 1318 Senate Bill March 6, at 10 AM CST.
- Oklahoma HB 1755 Introduced to the senate.
- Mississippi HB 1221/SB 2472 (Defeated)
The good news is we were all able to mobilize enough opposition that Mississippi's proposed pesticide liability immunity bill failed to pass the House Judiciary Committee on February 4.
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